Yamato “Bobby” Saito runs Q2 Japan, a video and stills photography company based in Okayama, Japan. Bobby focuses on producing content related to Japanese culture, promotional content for small to medium sized businesses, and individuals or groups in need of documenting their lives through video and stills. Bobby has years of experience in producing, editing, translation and interviews.
For further inquiries, feel free to reach out via e-mail or Instagram. And if you would like to support Q2 Japan as a Patron, you can do so by clicking the Patron icon above on the top right.
Q2 Japanは、日本文化に関連するコンテンツ、中小企業のプロモーション、個人またはグループのドキュメンタリー制作に重点を置いています。Q2 Japanのモットーは、「明るく、カラフルで、楽しい」です。お問い合わせは、EメールまたはInstagramでお気軽にどうぞ。また、Q2Japanを応援したい方は、Patreonで受け付けています。